Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blog overview

So today, despite my relative technological handicap, or rather technology's innate desire to refuse to function properly whenever I attempt to use it, to the complete puzzlement and amusement of observers, I managed to start a blog with no troubles at all. Very shocking. Regarding the content of this blog, I will attempt to adequately address my major interests in some way or another: history, politics, literature, theater, film, education, and my own writings. No, I will not incorporate pieces from my novel for any number of reasons, but any other form of self-contained writing I do will probably wind up here in some way or another (and by that, I mean things that people would actually find interesting and not think"why would anyone write about that" when deep down they probably know it was because someone said "you have to write about that because"). The end.


  1. I'm enjoying your style of writing already. (By the way, this is Elyse...!)

  2. You're writing a novel? Interesting... I look forward to seeing what kind of things you write about.

  3. A blog seems so personal (and it is), yet it is also out there for anyone to read or reflect upon. I would bet if you stay blogging long enough parts of your novel will appear in one form or another.
